

How to Keep Your Pets Calm During Fireworks

Fireworks in the UAE are a common sight, whether it’s during New Year’s Eve, National Day, or other celebrations. Some residential areas are exposed to more frequent firework displays like the areas surrounding Global Village or the Burj Khalifa. While these dazzling displays bring joy and excitement to people, they often induce fear and stress in our pets. Fireworks can be traumatic for animals due to the loud noises, bright lights, and unfamiliar scents, making it essential for pet owners in the UAE to take proactive measures to keep their furry friends calm and safe during these events.

In this guide, we’ll explore various strategies to help your fur babies cope with fireworks and ensure their well-being during celebrations.

Why Fireworks Are Stressful for Pets

Our pets have a much sharper sense of hearing than we do. Dogs and cats, in particular, are very sensitive to loud noises, and the sudden, unpredictable sounds of fireworks can cause them extreme anxiety. Unlike thunderstorms, where pets might have some warning from changes in air pressure or rain, fireworks are abrupt and unexpected, making it harder for them to adjust or relax.

Additionally, the bright lights, unusual smells from firework chemicals, and vibrations can create a sensory overload for our pets. Some may exhibit signs of stress such as panting, pacing, drooling, shaking, or even trying to escape or hide. In more severe cases, some pets may develop long-term phobias or behavioral issues related to loud noises.

In the UAE, where fireworks are frequently used during major events, pet parents should be especially vigilant during celebrations to ensure their pets remain calm.

Create a Safe Space at Home:

One of the most effective ways to keep your pets calm during fireworks is by creating a safe, quiet space for them to retreat to when the noise becomes overwhelming. Ideally, this should be a place where they feel at ease and can hide if they feel scared.

Prepare in Advance: 

Before the fireworks begin, choose a room in your home where your pet feels most comfortable. A room with minimal windows or one that is away from the main source of noise can be ideal. Make sure the space has their bed, favorite toys, and blankets to provide comfort.

Soundproof their Room:

You can soundproof your pet’s room as much as possible by closing the windows and curtains. You can even play calming music or white noise to drown out the sounds of the fireworks. There are pet-friendly playlists available on YouTube or Spotify designed to soothe anxious pets.

Use a Crate or Enclosure: 

If your fur-baby is crate-trained, then their crate can provide a safe, enclosed space where they can retreat. Cover their crate with a blanket to make it cozier and help reduce noise.

Stay Calm and Provide Reassurance:

Pets are responsive to their family’s emotions, so if you stay calm during the fireworks, they are more likely to feel secure. Avoid reacting dramatically to your pet’s fear, as this may reinforce their anxiety. Instead, speak in a calm, soothing voice and offer gentle reassurance without coddling them too much. If your pet seeks comfort, allow them to stay close to you, but don’t force them to remain in your presence if they choose to hide. It’s important to let them cope in their own way.

Distract Your Pet with Toys and Games:

Distraction can be a useful tool to keep your pet’s mind off the noise outside. Before the fireworks start, distract them with one of their favorite activities, whether it’s playing with their favorite toy, a puzzle feeder, or a treat-dispensing toy.

Interactive Toys: 

Toys that require problem-solving or concentration can help move your pets' focus away from the stressful environment. For example; a frozen Kong toy filled with peanut butter or a puzzle game can keep your dog occupied for hours.

Physical Exercise:

Take your dog for a walk earlier in the day, long before the fireworks are expected to start. Exercise will help tire them out, making them more relaxed and less likely to react to loud noises. For cats, we’d recommend an extended play time during the day to help get rid of any excess energy. 

Use Calming Products and Aids:

There are a variety of products designed to help pets manage stress and anxiety during loud events like fireworks. Some common calming aids include:

  • Thundershirts: These are snug-fitting outfits for your pets that apply gentle, constant pressure to your pet’s body, similar to swaddling a baby. Many pets find this pressure comforting and relaxing during stressful situations.


  • Calming Sprays and Diffusers: Pheromone-based sprays or diffusers can create a calming environment. These products mimic the natural pheromones that pets release when they are feeling calm, helping reduce their anxiety. We’d recommend products such as Ceva’s Feliway or Adaptil.

  • Natural Supplements: There are pet-safe supplements, such as those containing melatonin, chamomile, or valerian root, which can help calm pets during fireworks. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any supplements. Beaphar’s Calming Collars contain valerian roots to aid in keeping your pet’s calm.

Desensitize Your Pet to Loud Noises

One long-term solution is to desensitize your pet to the sound of fireworks and loud noises in general. This method involves gradually exposing your pet to the sounds of fireworks in a controlled environment, allowing them to become accustomed to the noise without feeling scared.

Start by playing recordings of fireworks at a low volume while engaging your pet in positive activities, such as eating treats or playing. Gradually increase the volume over time as your pet becomes more comfortable. With consistent practice, they may become less reactive to fireworks and other noises in real-life situations.

Consult Your Veterinarian If Your Pet Suffers From Severe Anxiety

If your pet experiences severe anxiety during fireworks, such as destructive behavior or extreme fear, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian. They may recommend anxiety medication or other treatments to help manage your pet’s stress during firework displays.

Keep Your Pet Indoors

Finally, always ensure your pet is kept safely indoors during firework shows. Some pets might try to escape or run away if they feel scared or panic. Make sure all of your doors and windows are closed, and check that your pet’s collar and ID tags are up to date in case they do manage to get outside.

In the UAE, where fireworks are often part of large-scale celebrations, taking these precautions will help keep your pet safe and calm. By creating a safe space, using calming aids, and providing reassurance, you can help keep your pets calm through these noisy celebrations with minimal stress.
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